Why is the breath so important?

The breath is one of the most powerful tools available to us. It can be the link between our body and mind. When we're stressed our hearts beat faster and our breath gets quicker. By learning to recognise our physical reactions to stress we can also learn to use the breath to reduce the impact of stress on our bodies.

Over the course of our lives when we experience extreme stress the body stores this memory to protect us. However, these trapped emotions and stored trauma can lock in shallow breathing patterns or suppressed anger, grief, sadness or shame.

We then use coping strategies such as addiction, procrastination, overeating or overworking to deal with our suppressed emotions. In time this can contribute to problems such as anxiety or depression

What is transformational breath®

Transformational Breath® is a safe, powerful, self-healing tool. It is a conscious connected diaphragmatic breathing system that was founded by Dr Judith Kravitz over 45 years ago. It can be used to support physical, mental-emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

This way of breathing can help you breath more fully, opening up the full potential of your breath which can increase energy throughout the body. It can help transform suppressed emotions and physical and emotional blockages by allowing you to access and integrate emotional and physical trauma stored in the body. This can help improve sleep, reduce anxiety and enhance wellbeing. This may in turn help access higher states of consciousness bringing more joy and peace of mind.

What is a transformational breath® facilitator intern?

This means I am still training to be a fully qualified Transformational Breath® practitioner. I facilitate training with other fully qualified practitioners and can provide breathwork sessions to volunteers free of charge.